Virtual Personal Trainer business consulting

Become a Virtual Trainer

" The only clinically and scientifically proven online training website"
** List of publications (Journal of Obesity & Overweight / EC Nutrition / Advances in Obesity Weight Management & Control / etc.)

The current and future market situation

Global trends and fitness innovations have been quickly incorporated into new offers such as online classes, virtual personal coaching, and personalized workouts, while entrepreneurs are developing apps, platforms, and intermediaries to bring new services and offerings to a very fast expanding market.


The global Weight Management market size before the Coronavirus pandemic was valued at USD$ 214.7 billion in 2016 and it was expected to grow 8.3% by 2025. According to recent analyses, approx. 30.0% of the world’s population is either obese or overweight, which poses an enormous challenge for both the developed and under-developed countries, being the main cause of this market growth.


Expected market growth
Expected market growth (Mordor Intelligence, 2020)

However, due to the Coronavirus outbreak the previous projections have totally changed. The global Weight Management market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate (8.6%) during the period 2021 - 2025. In 2021, the market was growing at a steady rate and now the market is expected to rise over previous projections.


The COVID-19 pandemic have forced many of us to remain at home for long periods, which is causing at-home wellness trends to be accelerating dramatically:

  • People are embracing digital wellness products and content;
  • COVID-19 concerns have deeply impacted health areas such as mental wellbeing, nutrition and at-home healthcare, specially for the elderly;
  • People want to feel more comfortable at home, increasing demand for home and garden wellbeing products;

With a global recession caused by the pandemic impact, stay at home trends can only strengthen. The short-term impact of quarantine measures will be transforming into long-term adoptions across numerous wellness markets. The expectation is that market segments such as digital fitness and remote health will be pushed to mass-market appeal. 


The pandemic will shift home wellness to mass market potential!

Market distribution


North America is the largest market since more than 2/3 of adults and almost 1/3 of children and young people are overweight or obese. From these, approximately 67% are trying to lose weight.


Other high-demanding market regions are Europe, Russia and North-Asia, followed by South-Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Geography market trends
Geography market trends (Mordor Intelligence, 2020)

A Great opportunity to become an Online Personal Trainer

Do you enjoy working out with others to help them improve their physical looks and health?
Does encouraging, helping and providing motivation for others to achieve a healthier life satisfy you?
Do you have a passion for fitness?
Do you want to work for yourself and you like flexible working hours?
Or, you just want to do it for the money?

Whatever your reason, you may be the perfect candidate to own your own presencial-online or online only personal training business.


Opportunities in health and fitness industry are expanding all the time as consumers are becoming more and more health conscious. This Billion dollar industry worldwide continues growing rapidly. More specifically, the personal training industry has experienced tremendous growth over the last decade, and economists say this trend will continue. From buying healthy foods to exercising more, intelligent consumers are aware of the benefits of keeping healthy.

A Personal Training business offers a chance to guide these health-conscious consumers in the right way, providing valuable advice and knowledge to people trying to become more informed and better equipped to make themselves healthier. Owning a Virtual Personal Trainer business will put you in a unique position within the health and fitness industry by giving you the opportunity to generate substantial revenue with low risk. My business consulting service will provide you all know-how for digital entrepreneurship, branding, custom website for your location, marketing techniques, training and ongoing support to maximize your business success.


franchisee experience As Personal trainer you will bring to your business your own experience in nutrition or physical exercise to train people, allowing you to develop your own strategy to help them achieve people's personal goals in health and fitness.


joining virtual personal trainer's franchise With my expert advice I will help you to have a positive impact on the community where you live or the online market you want to create. My business consultancy service can help you to improve and expand your business.


making money with virtual personal trainer's franchise With a franchise you can make money out of 4 main ways:

  • Selling online your own products and services by video or on-site sessions.
  • Through affiliate marketing
  • Marketing your own products through online and media advertising
  • Being referred by Virtual Personal Trainer by joining one of our franchises (optional). + INFO
how much money can you make
Expected income (based on my income growth)


Back in 2012 is when I started to my personal training trip. I started by spending some money trying to get fit myself first and getting ready for next steps. So, at the beginning of 2014 is when I finally decided to start Virtual Personal Trainer (for the record, I had no previous experience on any kind of online business). I got to work and soon I figured out how to get clients and how to ensure delivering incredible results in the process.

Eureka! In just a few years, I was able to 10X my previous investment, become a worldwide published author in weight loss, coaching hundreds of people through my site and programs, and doing all from the comfort of anywhere I wanted to be. In fact, for the last ten years, I have been continuously traveling around the world and living in many new countries ;)


Work from anywhere!!


Personal trainers income

  • Personal trainers typically charge $40 - $70 for an hour of in-gym training.
  • Hiring a personal trainer to train at home increases the rate to $60 - $100 an hour.
  • Personal trainers who teach group fitness classes charge an average of $35 per class. 
  • Online trainers charge around $70 - $90 depending on the level of expertise.
Average personal trainer's income per hour
Average personal trainer's income per hour

Read more about how I started this business

How I Got my Job
How I Got My Job interview
Entrenador Personal Virtual destacado en Starter Story
Starter Story interview
meet virtual personal trainer franchises
Become a Virtual Personal Trainer partner

Do you want to grow up your business? 

Request consulting

Virtual Personal Trainer business consulting

With a typical consulting video session you get advice about:

  • The necessary qualifications
  • The experience needed
  • Your earning potential
  • How to set up and developing a website
  • Dealing with privacy laws
  • How to discover, attract and retain potential clients and create a market niche
  • Competitor analysis 
  • How to create your own brand
  • How to create online content
  • Introduction to marketing, emailing and monthly/weekly newsletters.
  • Choosing the right business model
  • How to progress with your personal development

And other stuff....


Video counseling is available in English or Spanish.


Usual price for one single session of business consulting varies from $90-$250. My standard prices start as low as


$65 per one hour session!


But by purchasing a long session deal, you will get 3 hours + 1 free (save $65), which means


 $48.75 per hour! 

How does it work?

  1. Choose below the length of consulting you would like to have and click "Book it".
  2. Select your choice, click "book now", and complete the payment. 
  3. Choose the day, the time and the preferred method of communication from the list of available slots at the calendar

         As simple as that!!!


Length of consulting

. Number of hours (by video)*

. Price (one unique payment)

Best deal




(1 free session)

~$49 per hour




1 session



* Number of hours as described in the selected option. After the consult is completed, clients can buy a new session or deal. The video chat will be done by Skype, Whatsapp, Zoom or another free video app, to be decided after booking.

Book now!

Video consulting

Choose one


  • Available
easy and secure payments

Payment made through PayPal. It's safe, secure, fast and reliable!

Note: All payments are in US$ and non recurring, one time payment only. Valid till number of consults is completed.


Calendar booking

Please use the same email you used for payment

Have questions?


"The only clinically and scientifically proven online training method"
- Journal of Obesity & Overweight / EC Nutrition / Advances in Obesity Weight Management & Control

Virtual Personal Trainer helped me to start and further develop as an online fitness coach

Anna, France

Comments: 1
  • #1

    Rebecca Parker (Saturday, 17 April 2021 02:06)

    Virtual Personal Trainer offered me a great consulting service that really helped me to set up the basis and directions for my own online training site. Definitely worth the money and deserves a five-star. Thank you so much!