mypersonalapp: Free and customized weight loss apps/tools

Virtual Personal Trainer is the only website that offers personalized weight loss android apps in the market
The only online training website offering customized apps

" The only clinically and scientifically proven online training website"
- Journal of Obesity & Overweight / EC Nutrition / Advances in Obesity Weight Management & Control

*NEW* Personalized "Belly Calculator" app

How much weight you can expect to lose (in kg,lbs,gr,ozs) weekly(or daily) depending on your current habits? how much change you need to make to reach your weight goal?. Science has shown that weight loss through step-by-step goal-implementation is more effective at long-run. If so, this is the right app for you. Get the new personalized "Belly Calculator" app, the right fitness/weight loss app for you.


App features:

Based on your food and/or workout goals 

1) Calculates your expected weight loss weekly (kg,lbs)/daily(gr,ozs)


2) Color/icon coding for recommended or non-recommended results


3) Give you a whole range of opportunities for corrections and improvement


4) Provides with very useful information for a healthy weight loss and maintenance


5) Photo background & printed name


6) Printed Ideal and Healthiest Weight (personalized based on your details)

PRICE 29.99$ (50% off)

Regular price 59.99$

Personalized belly calculator android app
Personalized "Belly Calculator" app

 Billed by our partner Virtual Creations

Our "Ideal Weight" android apps comparative

Virtual Personal Trainer apps
Check all our android apps

.BMI, BMR & TDEE calculation

.Healthiest Area and Weight

.Motivational pop ups

.Backup Database (historical)

.Weight graphics and statistic

.Maintenance calorie statistic

.Personalised weight management plan (kcal/day)

.Values below WHO threshold filtered

.Personal app (photo app icon, printed picture & name, favourite quotes, prioritised messaging channel, and Fitness Plan (optional))

FREE version

PRO version

250 - 1000 adjustments



250 - 1000 adjustments

App screenshots

Our full-version Personal Ideal Weight android app (mypersonalapp) is only available for Virtual Personal Trainer members (no members read below). This app will help you to reach and maintain your Healthiest Weight in a very easy intuitive way. The app includes: 

  • App photo icon, name and photo printed
  • Customised BMI, Healthiest Area and Weight 
  • Historical Database, weight graphics and statistics
  • Customised Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Calorie Maintenance
  • Regularly updated customised Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and Calorie Adjustments per activity level
  • Calorie values filtered (following World Health Organization recommendations)
  • Fitness Plan (optional)
  • Private messaging channel
  • Motivational pop ups and favourite quotes

What are you waiting for? claim your app now

My Personal App (mypersonalapp)

Alternatively you can get the app only (no membership needed). Same features as above except the private message channel and the fitness plan that is only available for Virtual Personal Trainer members.

.BMI, BMR & TDEE calculation

.Healthiest Area and Weight

.Motivational pop ups

.Backup Database (historical)

.Weight graphics and statistic

.Maintenance calorie statistic

.Personalised weight management plan (kcal/day)

.Values below WHO threshold filtered

.Photo app icon, printed picture&name & quotes

PRICE 59.99$

Discount price 29.99$

PERSONAL app features

250 - 1000 adjustments


 Billed by our partner

Virtual Creations

Other free, Pro and Personalised android apps

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