Editorial articles - Year 2024

VPT 2025 posts
Year 2025

Editorial articles published during the year 2024

VPT 2023 posts
Year 2023

How To Treat Your Body As You Age

Learning to age healthy
Healthy aging

Just because you are getting older does not mean you will have to face medical conditions or have a poor quality of life. What is important is to know how to age healthily. Aging well and gracefully does not mean that you will look like a teen or in your 20s but you will live with some fewer wrinkles and sagging. 


100% free online healthy weight programs

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5 Tips for Resuming Fitness Regime After an Accident or Illness

fitness tips after accident or sickness
Back to shape after accident or illness

Life was always unpredictable. The COVID-19 pandemic only made this volatility much more palpable.


Around the world, more people have become health-conscious to alleviate the dangers of stressful jobs and toxic relationships. Exercise gives you a sustainable high due to its release of endorphins. No wonder it feels immensely demoralizing when a sudden illness or accident ravages your rigorous fitness routine.


Thankfully, many people can eventually get back to exercising – at least to some degree. These guidelines will help you regain your fitness levels as you recover.

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Resilience and Innovation in the Fight Against the Coronavirus Pandemic

Fighting Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically transformed our world, affecting nearly every country. By May 2, 2023, the virus had claimed over 6.86 million lives globally, with the United States suffering more than a million deaths.


As cases surged, countries, communities, and individuals joined to fight an invisible enemy. The response to this global crisis was multifaceted, involving government action, public cooperation, healthcare innovation, and adaptability in daily life.


This article explores the key strategies and actions that helped humanity overcome one of the most challenging times in recent history.

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The Importance Of A Beauty Sleep

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Best weight loss calculator
Do not miss your beauty sleep
Do not miss your beauty sleep

The magic of sleeping and resting


There is a fear of giving the body too much rest and sleep, feeling this is wrong for the body and will make it lazy. Nevertheless, ghrelin is closely related to hunger, while leptin connects to the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. Lack of sleep has found to increase ghrelin levels, leading to the necessity to eat. But, what are ghrelin and leptin?


Leptin, a hormone made by our fat cells, minimizes our appetite. Ghrelin, on the other hand, is a hormone that increases appetite and plays a key role in body weight. Both hormones work in harmony, ensuring a balance between all the energy flowing around the body and mind.

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Let Music Boost Your Fitness Goals

Music and exercise performance
Music and exercise performance


Just as there is no single diet designed for all of us; there is not a specific or right way to exercise and train our body. However, many people enjoy their training with a certain type of music in the background, helping them feel motivated and wanting to give more of themselves.


Music creates a "rhythm response" says Scientific American.

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Best weight loss calculator

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How To Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise

virtual coach health measuring tool
How fit are you?
Weight loss without diet or exercise
Weight loss without dieting or exercising


Losing weight by sticking to a conventional diet and/or exercise plan can be tricky and take quite a long time.


The good news is that there are a few tips that can really help you through this complicated weight loss process as well as keep you away from gaining weight in the future.

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Mastering Appetite Control

The art of controlling the appetite
Mastering the art of controlling the appetite

Controlling the appetite is the key to long-term weight loss and maintenance. The reason behind this is that to lose weight, we generally have to reduce our daily calorie intake. But, unfortunately, no-expert-advised weight loss diets can often increase appetite and even produce a severe hunger body response which might impede weight loss.


In this article you can find a list of pretty useful tricks intended to dramatically reduce excessive hunger and appetite:

Virtual Personal Trainer is the only virtual training website that offers personalized android apps
The only online training website offering customized apps

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Fast fat burning by efficient workout and diet

virtual personal trainer weight loss motivator app
Stay motivated
Burning fat fast
Burning fat fast

The right amount of body fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. However, carrying too much body fat is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and cancer, and having a small amount of body fat can also be risky.


The general body fat % guidelines for men are: essential (2% to 5%), healthy (2% to 24%),  and obese (more than 25%). For women, essential (10% to 13%), healthy (10% to 31%), and obese (more than 32%). In other words, there is a wide range of acceptability based on gender and body type.

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The Science Behind Circuit Training

combining cardio and weight training
Combining cardio and weight training: the perfect match

Combining cardiovascular exercise with weight training is a popular fitness approach that can provide a wide range of health benefits. This type of training is often referred to as "cardiovascular weight training" or "circuit training."


The science behind combining cardio with weight training is based on the principle of "metabolic conditioning". This refers to the ability of the body to efficiently use energy during exercise. When you perform a combination of cardiovascular and weight training exercises, you are challenging your body to use both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.

virtual personal trainer weight loss calculator
Best weight loss calculator

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Revolutionizing Health: The Power of AI in Healthcare

virtual personal trainer weight checker app
Weight checker
AI and healthcare
The power of AI in healthcare


In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into healthcare has sparked a revolution, bringing about unprecedented advancements and innovations. One of the most impactful areas where AI/ML has made its mark is in virtual personal training, offering a wealth of opportunities for both healthcare professionals and patients alike.

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(Latest launch) New Free Android app: enhanced Body Mass Index (eBMI)

virtual personal trainer new eBMI app
enhanced BMI app

Download our **NEW app** eBMI


Boost your Health with Our FREE eBMI Tool!

Key Features:

  1. Language & Measurement (Metric/Imperial) selection.
  2. BMI calculator: Instantly determine your Body Mass Index.
  3. ML Model BMI Prediction: Unlock insights into your current BMI and health status through advanced ML predictive analysis.
  4. ML Models comparison: Explore the agreement or disagreement between state-of-the-art ML models and the traditional BMI formula.
  5. Discover Your Healthy Weight Area (HWA): Identify your unique distance to your healthiest BMI range, the one with the lowest Mortality Risk (optimal health).
  6. Scientifically proven.

The Power of Home Calisthenics

Home calisthenics
Fitness at home

Calisthenics is a form of exercise that utilizes bodyweight movements to build strength, improve flexibility, and increase cardiovascular endurance. Unlike weightlifting or other forms of resistance training, calisthenics does not require any equipment, making it a convenient and accessible form of exercise that can be performed even at home.


One of the primary benefits of doing calisthenics at home is its ability to improve overall body strength. By performing bodyweight exercises, you are not only building muscle but also improving the communication between your brain and muscles. This results in better coordination and motor control, which can be beneficial for activities such as sports and daily activities like lifting objects or climbing stairs.

Virtual Personal Trainer, the only online training website offering customized apps
The only online training website offering customized apps

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How To Resist Sugar Cravings

virtual personal trainer weight loss calculator
Best weight loss calculator
resisting sugar cravings
Goodbye sugar

Sugar is a highly addictive substance, and it's everywhere in the modern diet. Sugar cravings can be tough to resist, but they can be overcome with some simple strategies. From candy bars to breakfast cereals, sugar is present in many processed foods. If you're struggling with sugar cravings, you're not alone.


In this article, we will explore some effective ways to overcome sugar cravings to help improve your health.

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Boosting Brain Health

How to improve mental health
Improving mental health


Maintaining good brain health is essential for optimal functioning and overall well-being. While numerous factors contribute to brain health, adopting healthy habits plays a crucial role.


In this article, we will explore the relationship between brain health and good habits, with a focus on exercise. Discover how incorporating exercise into your routine can enhance cognitive function and learn about other healthy habits that promote brain health.

virtual personal trainer weight loss motivator app
Stay motivated

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Tips for Weight Loss in the New Year

distance calorie app by Virtual Personal Trainer
Turning routes into distance and calories
New Year Slim Down virtual training challenge
New Year, New You


As the New Year approaches, many of us are eager to embark on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss is a common goal, and with the rise of virtual personal training, achieving your weight loss objectives has never been more accessible.


Here are some expert tips to help you kickstart your weight loss journey in the upcoming New Year.

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