Year 2015 - Editorial articles

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Year 2016

Editorial articles published during the year 2015

VPT 2014 posts
Year 2014

Health and fitness tips for busy professionals - Part 2

Business and a healthy lifestyle can be complementary
Business and a healthy lifestyle can be complementary


If you are one of those very busy people "this is the right article for you" ....


In part two of "" we are gonna introduce a few more tips in your trip to stay healthy while maintaining your busy schedule. You will see how both tasks are mutually complementary.

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Exercise is good for mood

exercise and good mood
great job!

Today is different to other days. I am in a very good mood. There are many reasons why someone might be in good mood.. maybe a salary raise, unexpected lottery winning, planning a long and relaxing vacation, a new girl friend or news of a new babe born or wedding coming up to name a few. But today i am in a very good mood for a totally different reason.. I did not win any lottery game at all, have no serious girl friend for a long time and the general employment situation worldwide is totally a disaster due to the well known crisis what made me feel in not so good mood lately but guess what ....

virtual personal trainer weight loss motivator app
Stay motivated

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Training your mind for weight loss

Mind training for weight loss
Training your mind rather than your body


"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind" ― Ralph Waldo Emerson


Studies have shown that it is not the quality of our diets, but our brains ability to resist cravings and follow a plan that is behind losing weight and living a healthy life style. Read more bellow for resetting your mind for weight loss and healthy life.

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Avoiding flaccidity after weight loss

Avoiding flaccidity after weight loss
Avoiding flaccidity after weight loss

In this article we will show the reasons why many people have flaccid skin after fat loss and how you can prevent it. After reading this article you should be able to avoid it. 


Why people have flaccid skin after fat reduction?


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The secrets of an unhealthy body shape - Part 3

the secrets behind a non-healthy body
The secrets behind having a non-healthy body



Often, losing weight is not fair. In many cases nothing show up after all the effort and attention you put into your weight loss goal. The topic of the last few articles was meant to look at the most typical reasons why people might fail at weight loss. Out of reading these articles you might have seen an image of yourself, so hopefully this hints could help you to overcome with any potential weight loss resistance you may encounter.

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The 5 most effective workouts

The most effective workouts
Best workouts


So... you are ready to lose weight, tune your abs, etc but do not have time to go to the gym or want to spend money on those expensive machines AND also .. you want it from home! If so, this is the right article for you. But how can you achieve this? Of course, we all have busy lives and cannot dedicate many hours a day to reach these goals. But the good news is that it is possible to reach these goals with appropriate advice about the right exercise techniques. However, it is not gonna be an easy path because the most important is that you must be very motivated and constant. In addition, a healthy life style including a logical diet is also important but this is the focus of other or our articles.

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Health and fitness for seniors

Health and fitness for seniors
health and fitness for seniors

As you grow older, having an active lifestyle is even more important than ever before. Doing exercise on a regular basis can help you to boost energy and deal with symptoms of illness or pain. Physical exercise can even reverse some of the symptoms of aging. But not only exercise is good for your body, it is also good for your moodmind and memory. Whether you are in good general health or even if you are having some illness condition, there are many ways of getting more active, improving your confidence, and boosting your body health and fitness.

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The 5 basic elements of a fitness program

Virtual Personal Trainer's google play market
Visit our Google Play market
well-designed fitness program
the 5 must of a well-done fitness routine


Whether you are a beginner taking the first steps toward fitness or an exercise master hoping to optimize your results, designing an organized and effective fitness training program is essential and crucial in order to achieve the best results. When designing a fitness program, try to make sure you include these five basic elements to create an effective program.

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A few health and fitness tips for busy professionals

Business and healthy lifestyle are very compatible
Business and healthy lifestyle are very compatible
“Life is what happens while you are making other plans.” ~John Lennon


Finding the right time to stay healthy and in shape can be complicated for anyone but when you are a very busy professional or an entrepreneur who’s work follows you everywhere you go it can be even more difficult. As an executive or business owners sometimes you can even forget that you have to take care of yourself as well. Your body also needs your care and attention in order to function properly. Pursuing a healthy lifestyle not only will benefit you but also your business in a long run since healthy people tend to live longer, be happier and more productive. If you are one of those busy people "welcome to the club" ....

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The secrets of an unhealthy body shape - Part 2

the secrets behind the lack of health
the secrets of an unhealthy body


In the previous article, I talked about how eating too many calories and setting the wrong goals might affect your weight loss goal. In this article, I will continue tackling the most common reasons of weight loss resistance. Throughout reading this article you might see a mirror of yourself. Hopefully, these hints could help you to break a potential trial of weight loss resistance at the present time or in the future.

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Happy Valentine's Fitness Day

Valentine's fitness and health day
Happy Valentine's Fitness Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today you probably have planned a crazy weekend full of highly caloric foods. I know you will say "It is only once a year" but I think better do not let this special day throw off your New Year’s goals. There are many ways you can avoid ruinning your hard work so far. Focus on taking healthy food choices and maintain your workout schedule. Today can be a special day to workout together with your partner while still having a very romantic weekend. Here are some workout ideas to keep your resolutions up and running ....

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The secrets of an unhealthy body shape - Part 1

the secrets of an unhealthy body
the secrets of an unhealthy body

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" - Henry Ford


Weight loss resistance is one of the most common things. The inability to exercise or diet is sometimes very discouraging. It might even make you very unhappy and stress. But hopefully after so many positive thoughts as a new resolution we are totally into exercising, dieting or both with all our enthusiasm hoping to reach our goals if possible in a short period of time. If that is the case, congratulations! you passed the most difficult part, which really is STARTING AND GETTING ACTIVE. But is not all flowers in the garden. Sometimes something might not be working the way we want it to be ....


omg! what happened to me? i tried hard to lose weight but I see no results :S


Often, losing weight simply is not fair. In many cases, you push yourself and dedicate time but you have nothing to show for all the effort and attention you have put into your weight loss resolution. What is next?


This article is meant to look at the most common reasons why people might fail at their weight loss resolution. It came to my mind a few reasons after some brainstorming running sessions while making reminders notes with my best friend. Throughout reading out this article you might see an image of yourself and hopefully it could help you to break the endless cycle of weight loss resistance.

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