More than half of all the people making new year's resolutions fail, but making (and keeping) New Year's Resolutions is not impossible.
Below I will tell you how to succeeding, by identifying the right resolution, creating a plan to reach it, and becoming one of the few people that successfully achieve their planned goals, making your goals a reality.
Most people making resolutions probably fail because they did not pick the right resolutions for them. For a resolution to be right, first, it needs to be smart.
Smart resolutions
And for a resolution to be smart, it needs to be:
- Specific: The resolution should be concrete and very clear, not vague. For example, I will lose 1 lb every week.
- Measurable: For example, if you want to stop smoking, then take notes of your progress in how many cigarettes you smoke less every day. Logging your progress into your notebook, on your phone or in an app designed to help you track behaviours can definitely help you to reinforce your progress.
- Achievable: Go step by step. Trying to advance too fast can make you frustrated, and make you quit later on. So, for example, aiming to save an extra $100 (or 200 or 300 ...) a month is more realistic and achievable than planning to retire at the age of 30.
- Relevant: In the sense that you will need to aim for something that is actually very good for you in a long run, such as, I want to lose weight so that not only I will be looking better but also more healthy and living longer. Giving relevance to the resolution will help to reinforce that resolution.
- Time-bound: The timeline to achieve your goal should be also realistic. This means that you should give yourself enough time to do it through enough intermediate steps along the way. The purpose is to build a long-lasting habit, not something for the next couple of months only.
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