
Online Training Tasks

Virtual Personal Trainer's to do tasks
Up to a healthier lifestyle or new resolution? Meet your "TO DO TASKS"

what is better? run or walk?
running or walking?
30 mins walk a day can prevent stress. The reason is that aerobics activities keep cortisol, the stress hormone, at the proper levels.

Walking and running are the most popular physical activities for adults. Whether one is preferable to the other in terms of health has long been a focus of debate. A variety of new studies are providing some answers. What's the conclusion? It depends almost entirely on what you are hoping to achieve.

Read more about running and walking.


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    Task 22/24

It is pretty common to gain weight after losing it and, sometimes, people can even gain more weight than they lost. This is commonly known as the “rebound effect”. But there are things you can do to avoid it.

Tips to avoid weight rebound:

  • Do not skip meals
  • Do not torture yourself
  • Eat the RIGHT FOOD
  • Enrol on physical activity
  • Drinks lots of water
  • Set your weight within the SAFE ZONE
Read more about how to avoid weight rebound.
    Task 21/24

Have you ever heard of the ideal weight? The ideal body weight has been a topic of debate for many years. In the past, many specialised media press, journals and books used "ideal weight" charts representing height vs weight. But those charts were not accurate enough.

The criterion (height represents weight) was not good enough to predict the right ideal weight for everyone.

Note that a perfect ideal weight calculation or prediction can be subjective or objective. For example, if you are 8 lbs (~4 kg) over your ideal weight, this does not necessarily mean that your physical appearance is not good enough. This means that even if you are carrying some extra fats it may not seriously affect your physical appearance.

Your personal preference and opinion will weigh heavily on how you wish to approach your ideal weight goals. A much better approach should consider these subjective or objective factors and provide more accurate tools to calculate it.

Read more about the Ideal Weight.
    Task 20/24

Scientists have shown enough evidence that exercise can boost not only weight loss and health but also mental health and mood. Brisk walking or running for 15-30 minutes a day can boost mood and reduce the risk of depression.

Exercise experts have demonstrated that moderate physical activity can improve mood and mental health. Regular exercise typically acts as a mental health and mood booster.

You probably heard about the euphoria that athletes often feel after performing, or you may have even felt it yourself. However, this powerful feeling does not depend on the length of the workouts as the best results typically come from doing short exercises each day. Studies show that people are in a better mood for up to 12 hours after they finish working out.

Read more about the mood effects of exercise.
    Task 19/24

Studies show training your mind toward resisting cravings can be even more important than any not well-planned diet or exercise routine. Thus, working out your mind rather than your body is fundamental for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

Most of the work should go to training your mind to feel good without food. You will have to give your brain the energy and self-control to stick to plans. You will have to:

  • 1) Eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods
  • 2) Drink more water, as opposed to sodas and drinks that are high in sugar
  • 3) Reduce your overall caloric intake
  • 4) Exercise regularly
  • 5) Track your results over time
Read more about how to train your mind rather than your body.
    Task 18/24

Diets may make us lose water and muscle mass, i.e. weight is not gained as muscle but as water and fat, causing flaccidity. This is a common thing that may appear after fast weight loss. After reading below, you will have all the tools you need to prevent it.

What can we do to avoid loose skin after weight loss?

1) Slow weight loss: avoid dropping more than 1-2 pounds per week.

2) Train your muscles: regular weight training can truly help, especially for seniors.

Read more about how to avoid flaccidity after weight loss.
    Task 17/24

"Too many calories in, little calories out"... that is why !! It is called "caloric surplus", forcing your body to store, usually, as body fat, the leftover calories to be used later. The problem starts when you do not use the stored calories.

This is how it works. Everything we do burns calories, and everything we eat and drink (except some liquids like water or coffee or tea (sugar-free) contains calories. If the amount of calories being consumed is greater than the number of calories being burned, then we gain weight. It is pure math and it is never wrong unless we are doing the wrong calculations.

The good news is that the opposite is also true. That is, if the number of calories being consumed is lower than the amount of calories burned, we lose weight, a so-called "caloric deficit".

A calorie deficit forces the body to burn most often the accumulated body fat. This is described as energy balance (i.e. Calories In vs Calories Out). This means that if you are not seeing any results in your weight loss journey, you are most likely eating more calories than you should, and that is why you are gaining weight instead.

Read more about the reasons why we gain weight.
    Task 16/24

It is indeed possible to lose weight by enrolling on the right exercise techniques. However, it is not going to be an easy task because, importantly, you must be highly motivated and stick to the habit.

Here, I will introduce you to the five most effective workout routines to lose weight successfully. Anyone can try these exercises either at home, at work, while on vacation, or truly anywhere (Virtual Personal Trainer" philosophy):

  • Walking
  • Push-ups
  • Abs
  • Squats
  • Lunges

In addition, do not forget that being healthy-minded in other aspects such as dieting is going to be fundamental.

Read more about the most effective workouts.
    Task 15/24

Designing an effective fitness training plan is essential and crucial to achieving the best results. When designing a fitness plan, try to make sure you include these basic elements:

  • Flexibility and stretching
  • Balance training
  • Strength training
  • Core exercises
  • Aerobic exercises
Read more about the basics elements of fitness.
    Task 14/24

If you are busy, finding the right time to stay healthy and in shape can be difficult. Busy people can forget that they also need to take care of themselves. But your body needs your care and attention to function properly.

If you are one of those busy people here are a few things you can try to do to get healthier:

  • Keep a record of your daily calories intake.
  • Read food labels.
  • Go for fresh meals, not (ultra)processed ones.
  • Enrol on a minimum workout routine.
Read more tips for busy people.
    Task 13/24

A meal and/or workout log is a piece of writing or note using a notebook, software, web tool or a mobile app that can help you to keep track of your daily meals and/or training habits. Importantly, daily logs can allow you to manage and control your body weight in a long run.

In what ways logs can help your health?

  • Allows you to plan your next logs and improve your progress.
  • Makes you more responsible and committed.
  • Raise your confidence and determination.
  • Allow you to analyse your past habits and evaluate your progress.
  • Can help physically and emotionally.
Learn more about the importance of logging.
    Task 12/24

We already know that regular exercise can help us to lose weight. But if you can really get into regular exercise, the payoff is not only that you will burn a few extra pounds and be more nice-looking. Exercise can also make you feel better, prevent disease, live longer, and much more.

What are some of the health benefits of regular exercise?

  • Control your body weight (lose, maintain).
  • Reduce your risk of heart diseases.
  • Control your blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • Help you to stay away from smoking habits.
  • Improve your mood and mental health.
  • keep your mind sharp as you age.
  • etc, etc....
Learn more about the many benefits of regular exercise.
    Task 11/24

Controlling your walking distance regularly can be a great start to start to monitor your daily activities and help your weight loss goal. Using a pedometer or a step counter/tracking application to calculate your daily distances can really help you.

A pedometer can also be a great alternative to the use of a GPS as it will help you to save the battery from your phone.

Either if you prefer to take a walk to the office or for shopping or just take a walk during your spare time, a pedometer or any step counter application can definitely give you an estimate of the distances you usually walk and help you to calculate the number of kcals that you burnt in a daily basis, helping you to lose or maintain your weight. Step tracking can also be a great way to get used to monitoring your daily habits and keep your mind focused in the medium to long term.

Learn more about Virtual Personal Trainer's step tracker.
    Task 10/24

Building strong abdominal muscles can not only improve your physical appearance and posture but also prevent lower back pain. In other words, the stronger your abs, the stronger your body support.

Other six-pack benefits include:

  • Improves sports performance
  • Better breathing
  • You will have a slimmer waistline
  • It can help you to lose fat (weight) in other areas of your body
Learn how to make your abs stronger here.
    Task 09/24

Weight loss can be successfully achieved by making dietary changes alone, though ideally, you will include regular exercise into your plan. One such change is mastering the art of food swapping.

For example, substituting regular milk for soy milk can really help you to achieve your weight loss goal.

Soy milk is a very nutritious drink. Soy is naturally high in essential fatty acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients provide energy and keep your body functioning at its optimum level.

Read more about the many benefits of soy milk here.
    Task 08/24

No time for a workout? Do you want to get fit but do not have time to join a gym club? are you really busy at work? Well, if you are within this group of people then definitely you should keep reading.

Some experts argue that just a few minutes of strenuous exercise may be all that is needed to improve key measures of health and fitness. If you are consistent, determined and up to the cause then you can really get a great workout without spending much of your time and without leaving home.

Read more about "the minimum workout" concept.
    Task 07/24

Working out at home is here to stay. Besides the fact that a home-based exercise workout is super easy and time convenient, there are many other advantages of fitting in a home exercise without having to hit the gym.

Other advantages include:

  • It saves time.
  • It’s low cost or even free with Virtual Personal Trainer.
  • You choose the most convenient time.
  • It's private.
  • You follow your own pace.
Read many more advantages of working out at home.
    Task 06/24

Vegetables are rich in nutrients and have a beneficial impact on our health. Wether eaten raw or cooked as part of a meal, veggies can definitely help you to improve your health and can also help weight.

Thus, veggies can act as a good partner for those you are truly determined to lose weight, helping you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight forever. Typical veggie properties include:

  • Powerful antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fibers source.
  • Prevent diseases, and cancer.
Learn more about the many qualities of vegetables, including weight loss.
    Task 05/24

New digital tools can act as an ally to improve your health. For example, the regular use of smartphone apps and wearables (e.g., activity trackers) for self-monitoring of diet and physical activity can truly boost weight loss.

Here are a few qualities this digital ally can share with you:

  • A smart device can be fun, unique and interesting.
  • It can also be attentive and adaptable, supportive, trustful, caring, loyal and accessible 24/7.
Learn more about the qualities of a digital friend here.
    Task 04/24

For some people is quite difficult to lose weight while others might find it not so complicated even to lose weight naturally. The reason might be in an area of the hypothalamus known as Lipostat.

The Lipostat acts like a natural “device” in charge of setting a defined weight for every one of us.

The way it works is regulating food intake by altering the appetite and it is mostly controlled by environmental factors..

So, an effective weight loss can be as simple as changing our food and activity habits. But, the negative effects of bad living styles for the lipostat can last forever if bad habits are maintained through time.

Learn more about how to reprogram your Lipostat here.
    Task 03/24

Coffee is a natural energy drink with great tasting molecules and properties. If you are not extra-sensitive to caffeine, you should definitely consider empowering your days with coffee shots, as it can also help weight loss.

So, What are the benefits of drinking coffee?

  • Coffee increase lipolysis and energy expenditure thus being a perfect partner for weight loss or body sculpture plans.
  • Increase body resistance and performance.
  • Coffee improves brain function.
  • Coffee contains essential nutrients.
  • Coffee has a high content of antioxidants beneficial for disease prevention and treatment.
  • Coffee may protect you against diseases, such as Cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer and Dementia, Type 2 Diabetes, Liver Cirrhosis, and Liver and Colorectal Cancer.
Learn more about the many benefits of drinking coffee here.
    Task 02/24

Christmas and New Year's Eve are times when people celebrate and eat a lot of foods, even if some foods are not particularly healthy. But the holiday season it's over now so it's time for burning calories and lose those extra pounds(kg).

So here are some tips and tricks to (re) encourage weight loss:

  • Have Leftovers? Use Them Creatively!.
  • Avoid any Lingering Festive Offers.
  • Implement a Workout Routine, and move... move!
  • Be healthy-minded
  • Be social, while respecting a distance.
Learn more about how to lose the Xmas extra pounds here.
    Task 01/24

More than 50% of people making new year resolutions end up failing. But making (and keeping) Resolutions is not impossible. There are things you can do to be successful.

For a resolution to be right, first, it needs to be a smart resolution. And for a resolution to be smart, it needs to be:

Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Learn more about how to succeed at new resolutions here.


    Week 5 (Dec)

With just a few mind-sets, it is possible to maintain, or even achieve weight loss, during this Christmas. Here are some useful tips to help you maintaining a healthy and "clean mind-set", before it is too late!

Stick to healthy meals: Do not to skip meals; Cook your own meals; include high quality carbs, proteins and high-fiber foods; eat slowly; Say no to sweet desserts; Cut down refined carbohydrates; comsume sugar-free drinks; skip alcoholic drinks; drink lots of water; practise macronutrients proportions; and track your meals.

Stay active.

Sleep well.

Be strong, say NO!

Learn how to lose weight during this xmas season.
    Week 4 (Dec)

Participating in community events (avoiding loneliness), such as walking or race challenges, may improve your fitness adherence, thus helping you to lose weight.

Participating in social challenges may be just as important to long-term health as getting to the gym, studies show. Community weight loss challenges are temporary programs that aim the participation of community members in weight loss challenges. Social engagement has also been shown to influence weight loss intentions and weight control behaviours, including healthy eating and physical activity enrollment.

For example, people who join these types of challenges take an average of 2,000 steps more (approx. 1 mile or 1.5 kms) a day than those who do not participate in these kinds of events.

Learn more about Virtual Personal Trainer's social plans.
    Week 3 (Dec)

There are good and bad fats. The fats present in avocados, nuts, and olive, peanut, sesame and canola oils are monounsaturated fats (so-called good fats). Good fats are good for your health and can also help weight loss.

These fats are beneficial for your health. It is recommended to incorporate into your diet 5 to 6 tablespoons of healthy fats everyday.

Adding more of these healthy fats to your diet may also help to make you feel more satisfied after eating, thus reducing hunger and boosting weight loss.

Read more about the advantages of eating good fats.
    Week 2 (Dec)

Pay attention to your cardio fitness level if you are trying to get fit, and/or lose weight.

The cardio fitness level measures how well you use oxygen during an intense exercise: a fit person typically gets a higher cardio fitness level.

Your cardio fitness level is a strong indicator of how good is your physical health and can be used as a predictor of your long-term health. Some smartwatches can estimate your cardio fitness level by measuring how your heart performs when you are doing any aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, running, or hiking.

Your cardio fitness level can also be improved by practising regular HIIT which in turn will also boost weight loss.
    Week 1 (Dec)

It has been shown that, besides boosting weight loss, aerobic activities can help you to balance your levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), that reducing accumulated stress.

We already heard many times how routinely enrolling on physical activities can boost weight loss. But this is not all: A simple 30 mins walk (equivalent to 15-20 mins of running) 3 to 5 times a week can also greatly help you to reduce your level of accumulated stress throughout the week.

Read more about another non-well-known advantage of walking or running.
    Week 4 (Nov)

We have proven that tracking what you eat (and move) can boost your weight loss as well as other health goals.

If you are intending to lose weight or simply improve your health, logging what you eat (and move) every day, can truly help you to achieve amazing results.

Regular activity- and food-logging, together with breaking down your calorie intake into carbs, fat and protein has been proven to be key for long-term weight loss and maintenance.

Read more about the advantages of regular food- and activity-logging.
    Week 3 (Nov)

Regular exercise can not only help with weight loss and other health benefits but also improve the quality of your beauty sleep and collateral effects.

Studies show that regular exercise can not only boost weight loss, decrease anxiety, stress, and the chances of contracting any heart disease, but also can help you to fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and wake up less, which can, in turn, boost your productivity throughout the day.

Night exercise is ok, but experts suggest about 30 to 60 minutes of waiting period before going to sleep.

These easy to do fitness routines will only take 10-20 minutes.
    Week 2 (Nov)

Slow synchronize movements and breathing, such as yoga moves or meditation, can help you to release accumulated pounds, stress, and produce relaxation.

Research shows that practising slow mindfulness moves, such as yoga, and/or slow breathing can tame sympathetic activity and balance the nervous system, which helps the body to relax and ease stress. When we practise slow movements / breathing, the parasympathetic nervous system slows the heart and sends a relaxing message to the nerves.

Studies show that simply practising 30 seconds of slow movements/breathing can help to reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

Practising slow movements can also help to tone muscles, and weight loss. Studies show that regular yoga can help overweight people to lose weight, including abdominal fat.

    Week 1 (Nov)

Regular exercise helps weight loss while strengthening the heart and lowering the heart rate over time, which dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease.

Our studies show that regular exercise not only helps weight loss but also contributes to achieving a consistent reduction of heart rate, by enrolling on regular aerobic exercise routines such as running or walking at a pace.

Our results clearly show a very positive impact of regular exercise over 3 different types of Heart Rates (HR), and we show how this trend can be maintained over time. We conclude that enrolling on routinary aerobic exercise routines can positively contribute to decreasing HR, which in turn help to increase life expectancy.

HR reduction also has a very important impact on people mindsets, contributing to the maintenance of a healthy HR over time. The implementation of effective regular aerobic exercise routines may contribute to the reduction in all-cause mortality in the population.

Read more about regular exercise and its effect on weight loss and heart rate.
    Week 4 (Oct)

Bedroom ambience could impact sleep quality, which could, in turn, affect daily performance as well as weight loss.

Things like putting lights off, a warm temperature (62-70 F)(17-21 C), no noise, and phone off will help you to sleep peacefully, boost performance, and help your weight loss goals.

Sleeping well is fundamental for weight loss and reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

Read more about the relationship between sleeping and healthy weight.
    Week 3 (Oct)

Experts recommend a daily fiber target of 25 gr for women, and 38 gr for men.

As a general rule to follow, the more natural (unprocessed) the food is, the higher its fiber content.

Foods with a high-fiber content include:

  • Grains, cereals, bread, pasta, and tortillas.
  • Legumes.
  • Veggies.
  • Nuts.
  • And fruits.

For example, eating a cup of: lentils contains about 16 g of fiber, bulgur 8 g, or blackberries about 8g of fiber.

Fiber is good for the heart, helps to balance the intestinal flora, and produces a greater feeling of satiety, which helps to lose weight.

Read more about fiber enriched foods.
    Week 2 (Oct)

Studies show that a lack of sleep is related to Ghrelin increase (the hunger hormone).

Sleep loss seems to affect the regulation of energy homeostasis which may lead to weight gain and obesity. It has been found that a lack of sleep increases the levels of ghrelin and decreases the levels of leptin, which leads to increase hunger and appetite.

It's a good practice to get enough sleep, not only if you are aiming for weight loss, but also for health matters.

Read more about the many benefits of getting enough sleep.
    Week 1 (Oct)

It is well-known that repetitive physical activities can help and speed your weight loss goals. But there are many other benefits behind a regular exercise practice.

Exercise is known to improve general health but also strength, enhance endurance, and increase flexibility, at a muscular level. But repetitive exercise also improves our neuromuscular system and can help to generate ideas, solve problems and relax.

If you are trying to lose weight and/or feel mentally stuck or stressed, try to engage in some regular aerobic activities such as walking fast, running, cycling, or swimming for at least 30-45 mins and 3-5 times a week, the more the better.

Read more about the unknown benefits of aerobic exercise.
    Week 5 (Sep)

Everyone's physical activity level varies but, in general, a very good goal to aim for is to walk 10,000 steps per day.

10,000 steps equate approx. 5 miles (~8 km), around 1 hour and 40 minutes walking, depending on your stride length and walking speed.

Walking 10,000 steps a day usually burns about 2000-3500 calories every week. One pound (~ 1/2 kg) of body fat equals approx. 3500 calories, so depending on your weight and exercise intensity, you could lose around 1 lb (~ 1/2 kg) weekly by simply routinely walk about 10,000 steps a day.

Enrolling such a daily routine will dramatically reduce your risk of suffering illness as well as improve both your mental and physical health.

Read more about the benefits of aiming 10,000 steps a day.
    Week 4 (Sep)

Research shows that exercise and mood are related. Even a little exercise, like 30 mins walk or 10 mins of calisthenic, can boost your mood.

Furthermore, according to the latest studies, short-time workouts such as running 15 minutes per day or walking for an hour can not only help weight loss but also dramatically reduce the risk of depression.

The scientists were able to register a 26% decrease in the probability of becoming depressed for each increase in physical activity.

You can start by trying 30 mins walk or 10 mins of calisthenic to stay away from stress and anxiety and boost your mood, especially during difficult times.

Read more about exercise and mood.
    Week 3 (Sep)

If you want to feel more full and satisfied after eating, try 25-30 grams of protein per meal.

Studies have shown that protein-intake generally increases satiety, even more than carbohydrate or fat consumption, thus facilitating a reduction in energy consumption.

For example, a piece of chicken or a cup of beans with quinoa will provide the 25-30 grams of proteins required for satisfaction.

Planning ahead the amount of protein-intake to eat can help weight loss.

Find out how to break down your recommended calorie-intake into protein needs.
    Week 2 (Sep)

Lack of sleep can increase the chances of experiencing weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and even memory loss.

Sleep gives the body enough time to restore and recharge, playing a very important role in many aspects of physical health.

A lack of or fragmented sleep can raise the chance of suffering health problems related to blood pressure such as heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, and stroke.

Importantly, people who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and overweight/obesity than people who get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Furthermore, a lack of sleep has also been correlated to memory loss.

Read more about the importance of a beauty sleep.
    Week 1 (Sep)

Are you trying to lose weight? if so, it is better to avoid having snacks before going to rest / bed.

Experts recommend waiting at least 2 hours, after you have eaten, to rest / going to bed. This gives your body enough time to digest your food so that you are not going to bed with an upset stomach, indigestion or heartburn.

Keeping food away from your bedroom, teeth brushing, chewing sugar-free gum, or an after-dinner walk can help you to stay away from cravings before going to rest.

A glass of water, sugar-free liquid, hot non-caffeinated tea, or one piece of fruit could also help if you feel extremely hungry.

    Week 4 (Aug)

Summer is still here, so is dehydration. Dehydration can severely affect your mood and focus, while being a cause of fatigue throughout the day. Keep a big glass of water near you all the time to help you remember drink water regularly.

Dehydration is a typical summer condition. Hot and humid weather can lead to body dehydration. Dehydration occurs if there is a water unbalance and the amount of water leaving the body is higher than the amount of water coming in.

Specially during summer season, keep drinking enough water. Apart from water, certain fruits and vegetables contain plenty of water in addition to healthful nutrients. Watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, and pineapples have high water content. Water-rich vegetables include cucumbers, leafy greens, radishes, celery, zucchini, and tomatoes.

Furthermore, being well-hydrated will keep you full more time so in turn helping you to lose or maintaining your weight, improve your mood and keep you focused.

Read more
    Week 3 (Aug)

Studies show that eating three servings of whole grains a day is linked to weight loss and lower body weight.

Whole grain-rich diets have a variety of health benefits, including a favorable role in body weight regulation. Epidemiological studies demonstrate that higher intakes of whole grains are associated with lower BMI and/or reduced risk of obesity.

Aim for 3 meals of whole grain a day, such as brown rice, oatmeal, popcorn, whole-wheat bread, or pasta or crackers.

Read more about the importance of whole grain and other healthy carbs.
    Week 2 (Aug)

Only adding two minutes of standing / walking every one hour can increase your lifespan, according to research.

Research shows that complementing sitting with light physical activities (even only two minutes for each hour of sitting) is associated with a 33% lower chance of dying. The study clearly shows that only walking two minutes each hour may dramatically reduce all the negative effects of sitting too long.

The study suggests that engaging in low-intensity activities such as standing can offset the health hazards of sitting for long. But adding two minutes of more intensive activities such as walking each hour should be much better.

Try to walk 2-3 minutes very hour of inactivity, which is equivalent to 250 steps approx.

    Week 1 (Aug)

A regular bedtime and wake-up routine can help you not only to feel more rested, energetic, and focused throughout the day, but also can help weight loss.

Aim for a consistent regular sleep schedule. Studies show that people who stick to a regular sleep routine have a lower body fat % than those who keep irregular sleeping hours.

But a healthier body weight and a good daily performance are just a couple of the many aspects of your health that a regular sleeping routine benefits. Other studies also show that a good sleeping pattern help to detox the brain, thus helping to get rid of some proteins known to be involved in Alzheimer's and dementia. A beauty sleep can also boost immunity and lower the risk of stroke.

Read more about the importance of sleeping well.

Fiber- and protein-rich afternoon snacks can not only boost metabolism but hold you over till dinner, preventing carbs and sugar cravings and, in return, helping your weight loss journey.

So, if you have eaten some carbohydrates at lunch, a protein- and fiber-rich afternoon snack may keep you away from sleeping, thus keeping you active. And since both fibers and proteins help to keep you feeling full longer, the afternoon snack might help you better than any sugary snack and keep you away from cravings and snacking too much throughout all the afternoon till dinner.

Include both proteins (nuts, cheese, yogurt) and fibers (fruits, veggies, whole grains) in your afternoon snacks for a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Having a good circadian rhythm can not only improve sleep quality, but also regulate hormone release, body temperature, and boosting weight loss.

Circadian rhythm is the body's kind of 24-hour clock that regulates the sleep/wake body´s cycle in response to changes such as light and darkness. This body's rhythm translates into physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. This circadian clock enables us to adapt and anticipate changes in temperature, radiation, and the availability of food. Research suggests that it may play a role in weight homeostasis.

Research suggests that eating time may impact the success of weight loss plans. It has been found that late meals may desynchronize the internal body clock, that causing unexpected weight changes.

Research shows that only 15-30 minutes of low to moderately intensive exercise (3-4 times a week), can significantly reduce anxiety and stress, something especially important during this time of pandemics.

In addition to building physical strength, boosting health, and weight loss, interestingly, the effects of low-to-moderately intensive exercise can last even after a single session.

Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins (natural painkillers produced in the brain), which in turn improve sleeping time, thus helping to reduce the accumulated stress. Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic types of exercise help to decrease the overall levels of stress and tensions, elevating and stabilizing mood, and improving self-esteem. Only 5 minutes of intensive aerobic exercise is necessary to start noticing a notable decrease in anxiety.

Read more about intensive exercise here.

Studies have shown that in addition to building strength, physical activity can help you boost self-confidence, and release anxiety and stress.

In addition to building physical strength, exercise can improve mental health. Exercise has also been shown to reduce depression, anxiety, and bad mood as well as alleviating low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and social withdrawal. However, practicing regular exercise can dramatically boost self-esteem and cognitive function.

More and more studies are showing that exercise is highly beneficial for mental health. One area that has been widely studied is its impact on self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-perceptions. Exercise is strongly associated with ‘the self’ improvement.

Try now.

Summer is here, so it is dehydration. Dehydration can be a major cause of fatigue throughout the day, especially if you are exposed to very hot weather. If you feel unenergetic, start by having a big glass of water.

Dehydration is a typical summer condition. Hot and humid weather can lead to body dehydration due to several reasons. Dehydration occurs if there is a mismatch and the amount of water leaving the body is higher than the amount of water being taken in.

Always drink enough water or eat water-rich fruits and vegetables. Apart from water, certain fruits and vegetables contain plenty of water in addition to healthful nutrients. Watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, and pineapples have high water content. Water-rich vegetables include cucumbers, leafy greens, radishes, celery, zucchini, and tomatoes.

Furthermore, being well-hydrated will keep you full more time so in turn helping you to lose or maintaining your weight.

Read more
Consuming alcohol near bedtime not only may disrupt your sleeping time and productivity the day after but might also interfere with weight loss and maintenance goals.

Alcohol is high in non-nutritious calories, so-called empty calories, and may interfere with weight loss/maintenance.

While stopping, cutting down, or not drinking alcohol at all might not necessarily translate into an immediate weight loss, it can definitely be a great first step. Alternatives are: drinking wine, unmixed spirits, or low-calorie / low-alcohol drinks or beers in moderate quantities.

It has been shown that people who are involved in regular aerobic exercise, not only can lose weight but also tend to be more creative.

It is well known that regular aerobic exercise such as running or brisk walk promotes weight loss and health. But exercise also seems to act as a cognitive enhancer promoting creativity.

In addition to creativity, exercise enhances brain function by helping nerve cells to bind to one another, which is the molecular basis for learning new things. For example, for kids with behavioral disorders like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Asperger Syndrome, exercise has become essential for helping with appropriate development.

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Studies show that sleep quality correlates to Body Mass Index (BMI). People who sleep an average of 7-8 hours of sleep have a lower BMI than those who sleep fewer hours.

A night of good sleep seems to be one of the keys to good health, and may also be key for maintaining a healthy weight. People who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and overweight/obesity than people who get 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

Back in 1998, 35 % of American adults were getting about 8 hours of sleep a night, but by 2005 the percentage dropped to 26 %. Studies conclude that a lack of sleep could be a major contributor to the current obesity epidemic in the U.S.

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Healthy carbs, such as vegetables, fruit, pulses, legumes, unsweetened dairy products, and 100% whole grains, like brown rice, quinoa, wheat, and oat, can help you to lose weight.

If you are intenging to get energy for physical activity, simple carbs such as pasta, white bread, and processed cereals work well. But if you are intending to manage your weight, you should chose high-fiber carbohydrates.

Why is this happening? Those carbohydrates foods with high content of fiber take longer to break down. The rate at which this happens it is called the glycemic index. These foods also provide a wide variety of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which are beneficial to health. The high content of fibre in these foods can help keep your bowel healthy and adds bulk to your meal, thus helping you to feel full longer and helping weight loss.

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Studies show that people who eat breakfast are more prone to maintain weight loss. So, if you are trying to lose weight, better do not miss it!

The reason being, breakfast kick-starts metabolism, helping to burn calories throughout the day. Breakfast also provides the energy needed to get things done and help to focus on your activities. Those are just a few reasons why breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day.

Studies have found that people who eat breakfast are thinner than those who do not. The reason could be that eating foods enriched in protein and fiber in the morning can help to keep your appetite in check for the rest of the day. However, this does not guarantee that you will be fitting into any skinny jeans. You will still need to follow basic healthy habits guidelines.

Read more.
Listening to music can help exercise and increase speed. Music songs of 120-140 beats per minute seem to have the most motivating effect and produce the best performance.

Studies show that faster-paced music improves athletic performance when a person engages in low-to-moderate level exercise, either by increasing distance traveled, pace, or repetitions. The effects of music lead to high levels of endurance, power, productivity, or strength.

Choosing the music that you enjoy the most and that better fits your exercise routine can help to get more out of your exercise experience. Since everyone has a different ideal workout pace and intensity, determining exactly what tempo works for you may be a trial-and-error process, but studies show that 120-140 beats per minute produce the best results.

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Tracking what you eat (and move) can help you to reach your health goals. Try to log what you eat (and move) every day and you will see amazing results.

Regular self-monitoring can help you reach your health goals due to: 1) the positive reinforcement of making healthy choices, and 2) the positive benefits of creating a new habit. Virtual Personal Trainer's studies show that the choice of healthy meals and the consequent improvement of health is highly rewarding, increasing the probability of maintaining health-choice practices over time.

In other words, daily food (and exercise) logging by app (self-monitoring) allows us to see more clearly the right choices we are making, quickly correct wrong decisions and making smarter choices in the future.

Learn more.
Are you trying to lose weight? Studies show that good sleep can positively affect the numbers on the scale.

If you want to lose weight, experts say you need to get enough sleep. Specifically, researchers have shown that women who sleep less than 5 hours / night generally weigh more than women who sleep 7 hours / night. As for men, studies also have shown that a lack of sleep may affect the body’s regulation of neurotransmitters. So, men who only got 4 hours of sleep had increased ghrelin and decreased leptin compared to those who got 10 hours of sleep. The dysregulation of ghrelin / leptin may lead to increased appetite and diminished feelings of fullness in people who are sleep deprived, thus raising the chances of weight gain.

If you want to lose weight, make sure that you are getting sufficient sleep in addition to following a healthy diet and workout program. In other words, you will need approx. 7-8 hours of sleep / night.

Learn more.
Fiber-enriched foods can help weight loss by making you feel full longer, while improving your gut health. Eat legumes, grains, vegetable, fruits and nuts.

Experts recommend a daily target of 25 gr. of fiber for women, and 38 gr. for men.

High-fiber sources include:

  • Grains: barley, oatmeal, wheat, rice, and other cereals. Also, bread, pasta, grits, and tortillas.
  • Legumes: beans, chickpeas, and green peas.
  • Veggies: carrots, beets, broccoli, collard greens, swiss chard and artichoke.
  • Nuts: almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, pecans, peanuts, macadamias, and brazil nuts.
  • Fruits: apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears.

Foods can contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Generally speaking, the more natural and unprocessed the food, the higher the content of fiber. Meat, dairy, and sugar ingredients do not contain fiber.

Protein-enriched breakfast can boost your metabolism for the day and can prevent carbs and sugar cravings, helping you to lose weight. Aim for at least 20 grams of high-protein meals for breakfast or afternoon snack.

You can easily get 20 grams of protein from some of these meals:

  • Crack Eggs.
  • Yogurt
  • Oatmeal
  • Protein Powder
  • Cheese
  • Tofu
  • Chili
  • Egg
  • Cereals
  • Tuna
  • Chia Pudding
  • Toast
  • Lettuce wrap
  • Avocado
  • Almonds
  • Roeasted Chicken
  • Quesadillas
  • Green beans
  • Brown rice
Not all fats are bad fats, there are also good fats such as the ones present in avocados, nuts and olive oil. These fats are beneficial for your health so Virtual Personal Trainer recommends you incorporate into your diet 5-6 spoons of healthy fats a day.

Good fats can be found in vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish. Healthy fats become liquid at room temperature. There are 2 categories of good fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Monounsaturated fats
Sources of monounsaturated fats are olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, most nuts, and high-oleic safflower and sunflower oils.

Polyunsaturated fats
There are 2 main types of polyunsaturated fats: omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, both beneficial for health. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, flaxseeds, walnuts, canola oil, and unhydrogenated soybean oil. Foods rich in linoleic acid and other omega-6 fatty acids are vegetable oils such as safflower, soybean, sunflower, walnut, and corn oils.

Late night caffeinated drinks like hot chocolate, coffee, tea, or cold drinks like cola or energy drinks can disrupt your beauty sleep affecting your performance the day after. As caffeine can take up to 10 hours to completely clear from bloodstream, better limit these drinks as you are getting closer to bed time.
Recent studies showed that High Intensity Training (HIIT) can be recognized from a safe and effective dose–response perspective as a promising approach for the improvement of the immune system and consequently for the prevention of respiratory diseases, includig Covid-19.
A regular bedtime and wake up routine will help you to feel more rested, energetic and focused throughout the day. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule for a better daily performance.
Aerobic activities help to balance the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Aim at least for a 30 mins walk or jogging during the day to keep stress away [ Read more]
Studies show that lack of sleep can increase the chances of weight gain, diabetes, heart disease and memory loss. Make sure you are having enough sleep (Adults ~ 7-9 hours; Babies, young children, and teens need more hours; People over 65 ~ 7-8 hous).
Experts recommend eating three servings of whole grains a day, such as brown rice, oatmeal, popcorn, whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers, as it is linked to weight loss and lower body weight.
Research shows that regular exercise not only help to lose weight, reduce anxiety, stress and the chance of heart disease, but also help to sleep faster, longer and wake up less, making your days way more productive. These easy to do fitness routines will only take 10-20 minutes.
When practicing intensive workout, leave a few hours (3-4) before bedtime. Studies show that vigorous exercise right before going to bed may release alertnness hormones and disrupt your beauty sleep.
The USDA recommends eating at least 2-3 cups of vegetable a day. Add a salad or any fresh or boiled veggies to your main meals, such as omelettes, soups, rice or pasta. Vegetables will make you feel full and help you to lose / maintain weight. Read more
During winter, people tend to get 15 mins more sleep, in average, compared to summer time. Longer winter nights allow more time for sleep, rest and rebuild, improving quality of living.
Long periods of uncertainty, such as current, can affect our emotional stability in the form of stress, which in turn can produce weight gain. It´s well known that exercise increases the overall health but also direct benefits over stress. Read more.
Studies showed that only 20 minutes of streng training, such as calisthenics, can boost self-confidence, which may also help release anxiety. Try now.
As a new year resolution, it is time now to getting rid of the extra pounds with four simple steps.
Try now.
After the storm, comes the calm. Being healthy minded is key to lose the accumulated pounds and get back in track. Read more.


Temperatures around 20 C (68-69 F) are the best for a beauty sleep. Calibrate your bedding, heating and pijama choices to find out the best combination for a perfect sleep, body resting and recovering.
Do not let Xmas to ruin the hard work you have been doing through out the year. It´s time for action!!!. Find out more.
Research shows that only 15-30 minutes of low to moderate intensity exercise, at least 3 times a week, can significantly reduce anxiety and stress, something specially important during Coronavirus time. And, interestingly, the effects can last even after a single session.
Research shows that regular exercise strengthens the heart and lower the resting heart rate over time, thus dramatically reducing the chance of suffering heart disease.
Studies show that even a little exercise can boost your mood. Try 30 mins walk or 10 mins of calisthenic to stay away for stress and anxiety specially during difficult times. Read more.
Reading and understanding food labels can help you to lose and maintain weight in a long run. Find out how here.
A lack of proper hydration during and after exercise can make you moody and lose focus throughout the day. Try to keep a bottle of water near you while working out. Read more.
Planning ahead what you eat can help you to reach your weight loss goals. Find out how to break down in calories, carbs, fats and proteins here.
Digital Technology can help to diminish negative outcomes and improve health during Coronavirus times. Find out how
Compulsory lockdowns due to pandemic might raise the chance of suffering anxiety. When feeling under emotional pressured or anxious, try 30-60 seconds of deep breathing to lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety level.
The latest scientific studies have shown that "a few extra weight can raise the risk of suffering severe COVID-19 disease". It's time for action!!!. Read more
Adding simple exercise routines such as walking, biking, swimming or running can help to reduce stress, improving sleeping time and quality of living.
Studies show that people who practise regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walk or running, are more creative. Read more
Experts recommend eating a daily dosis of 25 gr of fiber for women and 38 gr for men. For example, a cup of lentils contains ~ 16 gr of fiber, and a cup of cereals or blackberries 8 gr.
Nutritionists recommend eating at least 2-3 cups of vegetable a day. Try to add salads or any fresh or boiled veggies to your main meals. It will also make you feel full while helping you to lose / maintain weight due to its low content of calories. Read more
Studies show that people who eat a healthy breakfast are more prone to weight loss. Do not miss it!
A lack of sleep has been related to an increase in Ghrelin, the so called hunger hormone. Make sure you are having enough sleep if your aiming weight loss.
Aim for 6 servings of healthy carbs a day such as whole grains (about half a cup of cooked brown rice or 1 slice of whole-wheat bread)
Slow synchronize movements and breathing, such as yoga or meditation, can help to release accumulated stress and relax through the week.
Similarly to meditation, regular exercise can help you to relax. Try aprox. 30 mins of walking, jogging or cycling 3-5 times a week if you feel stressed and see the amazing results.
Avoid having snacks before going to bed. Teeth brushing, chewing sugar-free gum, or an after-dinner walk can help you to stay away from cravings.
Dehydration can be a major cause of daytime fatigue especially if you are expose to hot weather. If you feel unenergetic, have a big glass of water and see how it goes. Read more
Aerobic activities can help to balance the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). A simple 30 mins walk (15-20 mins running) 3-5 times a week can greatly reduce your stress level throughout the week.
Lack of sleep can reduce your energy and affect your biological recovery and repair. For a healthy sleep, aim 7-8 hours daily.
To feel more full and satisfied in between meals, aim for 25-30 grams of protein per meal. For example, a piece of chicken or a cup of beans with quinoa (25 grams of proteins).
Tracking what you eat (and move) will help you to reach your health goals.
Read more
Adding 250 steps for each hour of sitting each day, about 1-3 mins walk (depending on speed), is linked to a longer life expectancy.

For a pleasant sleep, better to avoid eating at least 2 hours before going to bed. This is because the body stays energized while it is digesting foods.
If you feel anxiety and/or stress this week, try this full home workout routine. Studies show that at least 67% of people who workout regularly experience an impressive decrease in heart rate.
Even a short-time whole-body workout routine can dramatically reduce your level of anxiety and stress. Try this 10 mins workout routine at home and let me know how it goes.
Keep your body on a healthy track by going to bed and waking up every day at the same time.
A fiber- (fruits, veggies, whole grains...) and protein-enriched (nuts, soy milk, yogurt...) afternoon snack can keep you satiated till dinner.
Listening to music can boost exercise motivation. Music songs of 120-140 beats per minute can give the best performance.
Breaking down your calories intake into nutrients need can help you lose weight faster and healthier
[Read more]
A protein-enriched breakfast can boost your metabolism for the day while helping you to prevent carb and sugar cravings ...
Caffeinated drinks can disrupt your beauty sleep so it's better to keep them away a few hours before going to bed ...
During lockdown, eat healhy, resist cravings, and move, move...
[Read more]
Your bedroom ambience could impact your beauty sleep afecting your day performance during Coronavirus. Lights off, warm temperature, no noise, phone off can help you sleep pacefully.
[Read more]
Now more than ever, "every move counts". While retained at home, KEEP MOVING!!.
[Read more]

While recruited, help your brain to refresh and recharge. Try meditation, reading or listening to relaxing music and rest pacefully.
While home-confined, even a little exercise can lower your resting heart rate, reducing the risk of heart disease.
While being confined, sick or remote-working, you can always exercise at home or in the office -> check this out
Commit to food-logging using some app or tool. It can help you to be more mindful of what and how much you eat. [More about food logging]
Avoid snacks if you want to avoid gaining weight. Teeth brushing, sugar-free gum or coffee/tea or taking a walk can help.
Everyone's fitness level is different but a good goal to aim for is 8000-10000 steps/ daily.
Consistent sleep (at least 7 hours/day) let your body rest and rebuild.
Participating in community events (avoiding loneliness) may be just as important to long-term health as getting to the gym. [More about social]
Yoga's synchronized moves plus breathing (or meditation techniques) can help to release stress. Take short breaks and practise it throughout the day when needed.
Running tips for beginners: start by 4mins walk, 1 min running; then go progressive (3mins walk, 2mins running, and so on so forth).
If new year resolutions are not working, why not giving a try to Monday resolutions instead?
Dehydration cause fatigue. If you feel fatigue, have water to boots energy. Keep a bottle of water near you to remind you about drinking [the magic water].
2 minutes of walk (~250steps) per each hour of sitting (during the day) is linked to a longer lifespan
[ Walking & Health].
30 of mins walk (daily) prevent stress. Aerobics activities keep cortisol (stress hormone) in the right level
[ Walking & Health].
Comments: 45
  • #45

    Ashley (Monday, 02 August 2021 00:54)

    wow! I am very impressed by this wonderful website. Many thanks

  • #44

    Carmen (Monday, 17 May 2021 00:57)

    This is amazing, thanks a lot!

  • #43

    Martin (Monday, 10 May 2021 00:49)

    Thanks for your useful tips weight loss trainer. Highly appreciated

  • #42

    Charles (Monday, 19 April 2021 02:42)

    wow!!! these truly are amazing and very effective tips. Thanks a lot trainer

  • #41

    Melissa (Friday, 02 April 2021 19:52)

    I love this page. Hints are very useful and up to date. Thanks for sharing virtual trainer

  • #40

    Mari Carmen (Monday, 22 March 2021 01:03)

    me encanta esta web, gracias!

  • #39

    Moises (Monday, 08 March 2021 02:30)

    wow, this is really amazing.. very useful cheers!

  • #38

    Christina Molla (Sunday, 21 February 2021 16:28)

    Amazing pieces. Highly recommended. Thanks!

  • #37

    Rodrigo (Monday, 08 February 2021 03:03)

    Me encanta esta web. Gracias Virtual Trainer

  • #36

    Rosa (Monday, 01 February 2021 01:22)

    Great tips, great articles, great website. Congratulations!

  • #35

    Franco (Monday, 25 January 2021 02:22)

    I have been following your advice for almost one year and it´s been great. I managed to lose 47 lbs so far and maintain it for more than 6 months now :) Thank you very much for your help :-)

  • #34

    Bianca (Monday, 18 January 2021 01:10)

    this is incredibly effective. thank you so much!

  • #33

    Anthony (Friday, 15 January 2021 04:13)

    wow! this is a great and encouraging resource. thanks virtual trainer

  • #32

    Carlos (Friday, 08 January 2021 17:00)

    Me encanta esta web y encima es gratuita. No se puede perdir más. Gracias por vuestra amabilidad y seguir así

  • #31

    Leo (Monday, 04 January 2021 18:01)

    Very practical web and great hints and articles. Thanks!

  • #30

    Dioni (Tuesday, 29 December 2020 01:27)

    Very useful hints and resources. Thanks a lot VPT

  • #29

    Mathilde Robinson (Monday, 21 December 2020 00:59)

    I am glad I found this site. What an amazing job. Congratulations!!!

  • #28

    Sylvia A (Sunday, 20 December 2020 02:06)

    great hints for staying healthy during Xmas, thanks a lot!

  • #27

    Anthony (Monday, 14 December 2020 01:05)

    Wow this is an amazing source. thanks a lot online trainer!

  • #26

    Lola García (Sunday, 06 December 2020 22:21)

    Un blog de muchísima ayuda. Many Thanks!

  • #25

    Carlos (Monday, 30 November 2020 03:03)

    Estoy impresionado. Muchísimas gracias por todo. Eres mi entrenador favorito

  • #24

    Monic (Monday, 09 November 2020 17:58)

    I am impressed about this blog and website also. Thanks a lot VPT

  • #23

    Santi (Thursday, 05 November 2020 02:55)

    muy buenos consejos. Gracias!

  • #22

    Nancy Smith (Monday, 02 November 2020 22:04)

    very usueful ideas and great health resource. thanks!

  • #21

    Leopoldo (Monday, 26 October 2020 18:05)

    great weight loss hints! thanks!

  • #20

    Anna T (Wednesday, 21 October 2020 18:12)

    Wow finally something that makes sense. Many thanks!

  • #19

    Lucas (Monday, 19 October 2020 16:33)

    Amazing tips and amazing site

  • #18

    Rosario (Friday, 16 October 2020 18:36)

    wow! This is an amazing source of information. Thanks a lot!

  • #17

    Thomas P (Wednesday, 07 October 2020 01:46)

    this site is pretty cool. Cheers mate!

  • #16

    Lucas M (Saturday, 03 October 2020 16:49)

    very inspiring tips VPT, thanks!

  • #15

    Margareth S. (Friday, 02 October 2020 01:26)


  • #14

    Joanna (Monday, 28 September 2020 13:33)

    wow thanks! this is exactly what I was looking for

  • #13

    Sherly Smith (Monday, 21 September 2020 17:10)

    Hi online trainer! I've been following you for a while and I wanted to thank you for your super help.

  • #12

    Louise (Tuesday, 15 September 2020 17:06)

    This is a great and useful article. Thank you!!!

  • #11

    Tania Hamilton (Wednesday, 02 September 2020 17:33)

    Amazing tips!

  • #10

    Ann (Tuesday, 18 August 2020 23:42)


  • #9

    Irene (Saturday, 15 August 2020 00:52)

    thanks for the tips. Very useful :)

  • #8

    Anthon B (Friday, 14 August 2020 01:14)

    Great tips !

  • #7

    Jonathan (Monday, 10 August 2020 01:27)

    I follow you Virtual Trainer. Good job!

  • #6

    Marites (Wednesday, 05 August 2020 16:49)

    Thanks for your useful tips Virtual Personal Trainer

  • #5

    Rosa Sanchez (Monday, 03 August 2020 15:00)

    gracias por tus consejos tan utilies. Te sigo. Saludos¡

  • #4

    Joseph (Monday, 03 August 2020 02:41)

    Great weight loss ideas. Keep the good work. Thanks!

  • #3

    Corina L (Monday, 27 July 2020 16:23)

    Very useful. Cheers!

  • #2

    Dani Smith (Sunday, 26 July 2020 19:24)

    cool tasks! great guide during my weight loss journey

  • #1

    Charo (Monday, 20 July 2020 01:48)

    These tasks are extremely useful. Thank you!