The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most popular and internationally accepted measurement of weight in relation to health. It is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women ( for age 2-19 BMI). However, caution should be observed when using the BMI as a measure for interpreting overweight and obesity as body composition can be highly variable yet have the same BMI.
To avoid such situations, successful weight management programs should consider the required timing for feedback signals originating in adipose tissue to influence the brain centers that control eating behaviour and activity (metabolic and motor). Thus, a much better measurement based on calculating and achieving the healthiest weight has being recently proposed.
Interested in investing in health care?
Virtual Personal Trainer's solution
Our "one-click-to-health" tool and "one-click-to-health" FREE and PRO android apps calculates your Ideal Weight using the recommended BMI max-min range. We call this new measure the "Healthiest Area" (HA) which is a normalized BMI Ideal Weight and it is defined as the Healthiest BMI Area (in short, the healthiest weight) to avoid unhealthy situations such as overweight or underweight as well as facilitating long-term weight loss success (scientifically proven, see Virtual Personal Trainer method). The results of this automatic tool and apps apply to adults and should only be used as a guide. You can use this tool to determine your ideal and healthiest body weight.
One-click-to health tool can help you determine if you should be considering a meal or fitness plan.Your BMI, Ideal Weight and HA measures will give you an idea of your current health status so that you can use this information as starting point in order to design your weight loss / fitness plan. Keeping your weight within the max and min values of HA, will keep you healthy and fit and a short- and medium-run and will facilitate the establishment and maintenance of an stable body weight that can last forever.
---->> Reaching and maintaining the "healthiest weight" - part 2 <<----
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Virtual Personal Trainer (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 01:44)
Hi Siobhan, I recommend you to read this article -> https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/2015/01/01/the-secrets-of-an-unhealthy-body-shape-part-1/ Additionally, please feel free to fill in this form for a free expert evaluation -> https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/evaluation/ Cheers, VPT
Siobhan (Tuesday, 21 June 2022 20:37)
Im looking to lose a stone and ive been trying different things and feel like i just cant lose it , ive been in a 1200 calorie deficit but i just feel i cant stick to it and dont feel great and im not happy in my body and dont know waht else to do to lose this weight
VPT (Sunday, 02 January 2022 01:47)
Hi jasmine,
Sure! I recommend you to read this article https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/2018/11/01/losing-weight-fast-and-healthy/ I also suggest you have a look at other articles for further hints on how to lose weight fast, effective and healthy here -> https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/blog/weightloss/ as well as the free fitness routines for women I provide here https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/our-services/free-fitness-routines/women-routines/
Hope this helps you out.
Cheers! VPT
Jasmine Pierce (Saturday, 01 January 2022 23:59)
Hi!!!I really wanna lose weight but I dont know how and I cant find any programs that dont require money to do the program so can you help me out please
Virtual Personal Trainer (Thursday, 29 July 2021 18:27)
Hi Stephanie! Please feel free to join our free weight loss program -> https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/our-services/free-weight-loss-program/ You can also have a look at our dedicated weight
loss blog -> https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/blog/weightloss/ As for growing your hair, you might need some multivitamins to complement your diet -> https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/2015/02/01/the-only-dietary-supplements-you-need/ as all as iron-, zinc- and protein-rich foods. If you can not find an answer to your question, please feel free to drop a question using our chat room ->
https://www.virtual-personaltrainer.com/ Hope this is useful, Regards, VPT
Stephanie Needledick (Thursday, 29 July 2021 15:22)
I need to lose weight and get some hair.