
Summer Slim Down Challenge: Step 2

slim down virtual challenge for summer
60 days.. still plenty of time.. Join the challenge now!


Second Summer Countdown notice! You have plenty of time ... Join the challenge!


Two more months until summer! you still have plenty of time to get your body fit. If you are to get yourself ready for summer, you should join this challenge now.

In order to get ready for summer, in last month Slim down challenge - step 1 we introduced three concepts: how many pounds (kg) you want to lose?, the importance of motivation, and are those pounds (kg) enough for you?. If you did not have an answer to these questions we recommend you to go back to step 1 and try to answer those questions since are important for this second challenge we are gonna start now.


Once you know the answers to the above questions, since most expert will agree that for an effective slim down challenge most focus should be given to food habits rather than exercise (the famous 30/70 ratio), this month we will work on the food challenge and next month on physical activity. I hereby challenge you to join me now on this 60 days food challenge.


Same as before, the rules for the 60 days food challenge are simple. First rule is choosing the right plan which has three options: a) by yourself-free option; b) by mobile apps PRO option; and c) by following a personalised food program. Second rule is tracking your results.

Choosing the right weight loss (food) plan

Free option

fitbit macronutrients break down

For this option, please read our free course on planning food intake for a successful weight loss. Important take home message after reading this article: food intake recommendations for achieving a healthy body weight should be ideally based on your own personal food preferences, following nutrient guidelines, breaking down calories into carbohydrates (45-65%), protein (10-35%) and fat (20-35%) needs for a successful weight loss implementation. For these calculations we recommend you to use our tool/app "Calorie breaker". [+INFO From Calories to Nutrients]


After you read how to plan your food intake suggested above you should end up with a macronutrient chart like the one showed on the left side, by using Fitbit app/tool. This chart allows you to monitor if you are truly following the recommended nutrition break down guidelines for a successful weight loss.

Mobile apps PRO

One click to health PRO android app
One click to health PRO

Alternative 1


For less than $1 you can get an automatic food calorie plan and many other PRO features using our android app One Click to Health PRO. Same as free version but with many more features such as the calorie plan showed on the left. The ideal app for a successful long-term weight loss.









Virtual Personal Trainer personalized android app
Personalized android app

Alternative 2


For $9.99 you can get an automatic personalized food calorie plan using our android personalized app. Same as One Click to Health PRO but with photo app icon, printed picture&name & quotes & your preconfigured details . Another ideal choice for a successful long-term weight loss.

Personalized weight loss (food-based) plans/programs


Alternatively, you can try our Consulting Services or Personalized Programs and let Virtual Personal Trainer to directly and specifically target all your weight loss and health goals. For this option you have other two alternatives:

virtual personal trainer online consulting
Online consulting

Alternative 3


50% discount now. Starting as low as $0.99 Online Consulting is carried out in the same way as a regular consultation by a dietitian weight loss expert but via priority email rather than in person.






Virtual Personal Trainer personalized programs
Personalized programas

Alternative 4


50% discount now. Starting as low as $10 you can have a personalized weight loss plan by joining one of our monthly personalized programs. All payments are in US$ and non recurring, one time payment only.

Tracking your results

As you start getting your body ready for summer (losing weight) it is important that you keep track of your progress and, at the same time, you should keep adjusting your plan as you are successfully achieving your goals. As we already introduced at Slim down challenge - Step 1 and above, to facilitate weight loss interventions we have created "One Click to Health" both free and PRO versions. This app/tool calculates the healthiest weight for you, the one with more probability to remain in your body forever. One Click to Health is also very useful for monitoring, backup and adapting your calorie charts as you making weight loss progress, as well as many other weight loss features. Alternatively, we also recommend you to use the Fitbit app for food login and monitoring, and meeting the recommended nutrition guidelines (read above).


one click to health apps
Download at Google Play

 If you believe in yourself and you are brave enough to try, come on! join this second step to slim down challenge now!


What are you waiting for? 60 days countdown already started!

step 1 to challenge slim down summer

<- Go Step 1

Go Step 3 ->

step 3 to summer slim down challenge

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Do you want to be part of an experimental health program?


We encourage you to test what has been discussed on this blog by yourself and let us know about your experience, your progress and achievements in the comments section below. The results of these experimental program will be presented at international conferences and hopefully published in high impact medical and scientist journals. Your involvement and interaction as well as your contribution is important for us since the information and voluntary donations you provide will be further used for adapting, modifying and improving our programs.


Important notice

This Online Personal Trainer's approach is recommended for healthy adults only. This site is not intended for use by minors or individuals with any type of health condition. Such individuals are specifically advised to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any fitness or nutrition effort or program.

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